Discount Esclapez E.Tek 1 Carbon Fins On Sale

Esclapez Esclapez fins are designed based on three main principles of fluid mechanics:
1. Maximum harnessing of water
2. Channeling and speeding of water
3. Reduction of marginal turbulence

*These fins are stiffer than the Esclapez E-tek 2 Carbon Spearfishing Fins.

Blade made of Pre preg carbon 3K, glass fiber high modulus and epoxy resin made by high pressure hot moulding for flexibility and power contributing to maximum propelling.

- Comes with stabilizing clamps and interchangeable blades
- Blade length: 77 cm (30")
- Overall length: 88 cm (35")
- Length of water flow guidance: 62 cm (24")
- Weight : less than 5 lbs
- Color: grey/black
- Logo JB Esclapez and spotting "E" symbol made by "In mold" process
- Foot pocket made of bi-material SEBS, internal shoe made with soft material for comfort and external with side rails made in flexible material with high mechanical strength
- Thickening of trailing edge for shock resistance..Read More

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Esclapez E.Tek 1 Carbon Fins

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